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Perceptive Polaris

Perceptive Polaris is a simple, quick and easy productivity measurement device for any manufacturer who is looking to improve productivity.

Low cost, easily configured, quickly Installed, easily trained, immediately usable data.

With Perceptive Polaris

What's Included?

Self Contained Unit
Mounts and connects to any piece of manufacturing equipment.
Real Data Feed
Included is a web-based dashboard or data can be fed to ERP, MES or IoT protocol.
Turnkey Solution
Just 3 inputs is all it takes for Polaris to collect the data needed.
During configuration, we use your terminology, reasons and descriptions.
Stable & Secure

Polaris Security

Security is on everyone's mind these days and for good reason. Polaris has been designed and built by the engineering team at Perceptive Controls, a long time supplier of integration systems to municipalities where security is not only a concern, it is essential.

Perceptive's Polaris comes with the highest degree of security built in.

About Us

Ranging Capability

SimpleĀ or Complex
Our Perceptive Polaris offering was designed to be simple, but also capable or working with complexities.
Multiple Units
Multiple Polaris units can be installed, linked and programmed to work in concert to accommodate your most complex processes.
Dashboard Integration
Data and dashboards can be integrated and customized to present you with the data that is relevant and usable.

Get Started

Talk to your Perceptive Sales or Controls Engineer today.